Greetings PMICOC members! As we embark of 2022, I would like to take a moment and acknowledge some of our Chapter’s accomplishments in 2021.
While Covid has been around for longer than any of us could have imagined, our PMICOC members, volunteers and Board were still able to achieve certifications, attend trainings and give back to the community in 2021. Our committees continued their focus throughout the year and adapted well to a prolonged virtual environment.
While this past year may have limited our ability to collaborate face to face, our Technology and Communications teams were hard at work on redesigning our chapter website, which looks phenomenal! Our Outreach committee continued to partner with area non-profits to provide project support and much needed trainings. To add to these accomplishments, our Programs team offered a variety of virtual events for our members throughout the year.
I am beyond proud of what was achieved in 2021 and am excited to lead PMICOC in 2022. We have a lot planned for this year and look forward to offering chapter events virtually and hopefully in person in the coming months. PDD will be back in the fall, with plans to be in person and returning to the convention center. We’re also looking into more virtual “lunch and learns” for PDU opportunities in addition to the evening sessions we offer.
For those looking to become more involved this year, in addition to events, there will more opportunities to volunteer. Giving back is central to our organization and important for our communities. Whether you enjoy event planning, supporting non-profits with project endeavors, embarking on tech opportunities or simply posting on social media, there is an opportunity for you. To learn more about volunteer opportunities, please contact Latoya Capers.
Thank you all for choosing to be part of PMICOC and here’s to a great 2022!
Stephanie Monroe